SASSMAQ - Evaluation System for the Transport of Chemicals
The Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Assessment System - SASSMAQ was developed by ABIQUIM with the objective of continuously and progressively reducing the risks of accidents in the transport and distribution of chemical products.
The system was launched in May 2001 and today is divided into 5 modules: Road, Cleaning Station, Bulk Liquid Storage Terminals, Ships and Railway.
E2S offers diagnosis, advice, internal audit and training for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of SASSMAQ requirements. Request a proposal!
The evaluation method
The SASSMAQ Manual is a questionnaire composed of questions classified as central elements of the system (C) or specific elements of the road modal (Ro), divided into 6 (six) areas: Management, HSE (Health, Safety and Environment), Equipment , Operations Planning, Property Security and Confidentiality and, finally, Local Inspection.
The requirements are classified as:
Mandatory (M): Legal requirement and must be met;
Chemical industry (I): Item of specific interest to the chemical industry.
Desirable (D): This requirement is not mandatory, but it demonstrates the company's interest in adopting a process of continuous improvement.
The scoring criterion is binary, that is, it uses only two score values that are 0 (zero) or 1 (one).
In order to obtain a grade of 1 (one) in a question it is necessary to have 100% of the correct evidence (answer).
The company will be certified only if 100% of the mandatory requirements (M) and 70% of the requirements indicated by the chemical industry (I) have a score of 1 (one). In case of any non-conformity related to the issue, the auditor will assign 0 (Zero) to it, which makes the assessment more difficult than the implementation of other management standards.
Improve the ability to transport chemicals safely;
Improve driver management;
Enhance the image of the company for being adequate to the legal requirements;
Reduce the number of accidents, infractions and penalties;
Be qualified to provide services to the chemical industry in general.
E2S Consultoria has a qualified team with several success stories.
Contact us to answer your questions and plan your certification!