Compliance Management
Mapping of all legislation applicable to your business, with full text and reliable legal analysis of your obligations, classified by keywords, through DILEX , our legal requirements system, with its own innovative methodology.
We identify the federal, state and municipal legislation of any municipality, even without official publications.
We operate in the scopes below:
Environmental (ISO 14001);
Occupational Health and Safety (ISO 45001);
Social Responsibility (SA 8000, ISO 26001 and NBR 16001);
Quality and Regulatory (ISO 9001 and others).
Periodic updating of all legislation applicable to your business, with updating of obligations to assess the impacts of changes and necessary adjustments, including technical and legal support for full understanding, resolving doubts and requests from customers.
Legal compliance check
Assessment of compliance with the legislation applicable to your business, through a qualified team, with diagnosis of compliance with legal regulations, fulfillment of obligations in the legal requirements management tool, preparation of the necessary action plans and presentation of a report with the conclusions and main risks cool.
Legal compliance audit
Periodic audit of legal compliance, with the assessment of compliance with the legislation applicable to your business, to meet the requirements related to the requirements of the management system standards (ISO 14001, ISO 45001, SA 8000, ISO 26001, NBR 16001, ISO 9001 etc. .) and other specific rules.
Advantages of DILEX
Methodology that optimizes system users' time;
Intelligent optimization of legal obligations (less questions and more reliability)
Greater objectivity in writing checklists (clear and direct writing, avoiding repetition)
Identification of only effectively applicable legislation
Action Plan module straight to the point
Management Panel, with graphics for cash management (only necessary)
Database structure (secure and fast)
Excellent usability